Monday, February 25, 2008


I know, I know, I'm pathetic. I just now read the comments from last year and January. I saw Heather last night and got motivated to put something down. Shelby, I read your comment. How do I see your blog or respond to you? I'm just learning this stuff.Near Valentine's Day we decorated cookies with some of our friends. Kyle layered 4 cookies together, but decided it didn't taste very good. It was a lot of fun.

We've had a lot of sickness running through our family lately. It started with Paige getting Croup. Then Taryn got a fever - I think relating to teething. Then Kyle got sick this last weekend. Now Taryn has a fever again. Will it ever end?! Thankfully, I am well and can take care of all the sick-os. But I sure could use a nap today.

Taryn has had a hemangioma on her left eye for quite some time. It all started with a tiny scratch from her fingernail back in December. So, when you see her pictures you will no doubt notice a huge red growth under her eye. It is improving, thankfully, but I don't know how long it will take for it to completely go away.

Kyle had his Pinewood Derby last week. He came in 3rd. His car was shaped like a waveboard. I thought it was pretty cool. His Grandpa Montierth made the stand.
o.k., this took me FOREVER. I don't know when I'll do it again. How does any mom have time to do this stuff. Taryn is crying on my lap while I peck at the keys with one finger. DONE, for now...


Shelby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shelby said...

I am so glad you updated. I thought maybe I scared you off with the stalking comment! JK You have such darling kids. I am not that great at blogging but ours is
(sorry about the deleted comment - hit the wrong button)

Andrea Gunnell said...

I am so glad you added to your blog. It gets quicker when you figure it all out! I'm sorry your kids have been sick. It's just not fun! Good job Kyle with the pine wood made a cool car!

Heather said...

Hooray Wendy! Good job on your post especially typing with one finger and a very cranky Taryn. Dang, would you all just get better? See you soon, I can't wait to see your "fabulous" haircut.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, post your haircut! And color. I'm posting my new color, so check it out.

Dents said...

Wendy, I was happy to see the update, the trick is to type without a crying little one on your lap :) I think Kyle's cookie looks delicious, and good job on the car. Taryn is so big now, very cute.