Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'm Back...maybe

Allison suggested that I not look at anyone's blog until I update my own. I'm taking her suggestion. I have to admit, I'd much rather spend a 1/2 hour looking at all of your blogs than spend 5 minutes writing about my own life.

Since my last post a lot has happened. Most significantly, my father-in-law passed away while we were on vacation with him at the beach. Most of you know the circumstances of this event, so I won't talk about it too much. We miss him terribly, but we know that he is happy and lived up to every expectation our Heavenly Father had of him. What an amazing example he was and still is to our families.

We are redecorating our kitchen and family room. I shouldn't say RE-decorating because we are actually just decorating it for the first time. My Aunt Kay has been helping me a lot. She has been very generous with her time and advice. Basically, she tells me what I need to do and we do it. As long as I follow her advice, I know it will look great. It already is starting to take shape. I'll post some pictures another time.

I love being home with Taryn while my kids are at school. It's a peaceful time, especially while she's napping. I have a bit more freedom and lots more discretionary time.

O.K., that's enough for now. I bore myself reading this :) Why does everyone else's life seem so much more interesting than my own. Don't get me wrong, I am very happy and love my life; but really, it's boring.


Anonymous said...

Wendy, c'mon! You don't have a boring life... your dog does! I really want to see pictures of the house... hurry! I think I should take a bit of my own advice and work on my blog before reading about everyone else's!

Andrea Gunnell said...

I agree with Allison. You don't have a boring life and I want to see pictures of your newly decorated house. Maybe I'll just have to come by sometime!

Heather said...

I think Allison should heed her own advice too! Hooray on the decorating, I can't wait to see the finished product. And are you ready for some CEs?? I hate those things, so boring. Hopefully it will be like the last ortho one we went to and mildy interesting.

And Wendy, I would love to have your life. :)

Meredith Ferrin said...

Hey Wendy!! I'm glad you finally updated!

I'm dying to see pictures of your house......I need to come see it in person also!

I'm sure you are loving your free time with just Taryn, you probably get a ton done!

Miss seeing you at the gym....I've been out running early in the morning, trying to get ready for the next triathlon!

Jana said...

It's not boring!!! You're beautiful, fun, and fabulous! I am the same with looking at other's blogs. I stick to that rule of getting mine updated first! As I sit here still not dressed at 3:30pm hearing Oprah in the backround, I can't help but think BORING for me as well! I love ya cutie!

Unknown said...

Pookie, your life is NOT boring! Everytime I talk to you, you're doing something. Always busy, especially with those dang cute kiddos of yours! Please post pics of your house...I want to see what it looks like! And... thanks for calling, I will call you tomorrow morning. I just got the message this afternoon!

F Montierth said...

If you want excitement, you're welcome to mine! ;0) Your life isn't boring at all, I've spent time with your family enough to note the funny little things that happen and that they say. We'd love to hear about it, Kent and I enjoyed our time with you guys.

Natalie said...

So glad to have you back to blogging. I missed keeping up with you. And decorating is a great time filler while kids are at school! We miss having your kids around...soon I'll be better, I promise! The kids are already begging to play with yours. I'll be calling a couple weeks to set up a playdate. Pump a few extra pounds for me please! I miss working out SO BAD! The pounds are definitely coming on!

Steve and Erin Larsen said...

Cute blog!!! I am so glad I found you on Natalie Hatch's blog! Your family is so cute! I love being Jenna's primary teacher! I never want to switch callings!!

Your life is not boring! You are re-decorating your kitchen and you have four kids that keep you on your toes!! :)

lackrik said...

I'm sorry to hear about your father in law. ((HUGS))

And I want to see some pictures of your new kitchen!

Anonymous said...

Okay, time for a new post. Maybe some pics of the newly decorated house! Look at all the comments you got. You have readers! Keep writing!